
DSCP Care offers you home care when you need it

Service users’ rights

The aim of good quality care must always be to promote a way of life for service users, allowing them to enjoy their rights as individual human beings to the greatest possible extent. The following rights are fundamental to Destiney Social Care Provider’s work.


An individual’s right to privacy involves being free from intrusion or unwelcome attention. We aim to maximize our service users’ privacy in the following ways.

  1. Staff will enter a service user’s property and rooms within the property only with express consent.
  2. A service user has the right not to have to interact with or be interrupted by a worker when, for example, they are entertaining a visitor or are engaged in an intimate activity on their account.
  3. We respect that a service user’s possessions are private and always act by the principle that our workers are guests.
  4. Our staff respects a service user’s right to make telephone calls and carry on conversations without being overheard or observed by a worker.
  5. We ensure that records of the service provided are seen only by those with a legitimate need to know the information they contain.


The right to dignity involves recognizing the intrinsic value of individuals and the specific nature of each person's particular needs. We aim to maximize our service users' dignity in the following ways.

  1. We arrange for service users who require assistance with bodily tasks such as bathing and toileting to be helped as far as possible by the care worker of their own choice and, if desired, of the sex of their choice.
  2. If asked, we ensure service users receive assistance dressing and maintaining their clothes.
  3. We will help service users with make-up, manicure, hairdressing, and other appearance elements so they can present themselves as they wish.
  4. We aim to minimize any feelings of inadequacy, inferiority, and vulnerability which service users may have arising from disability.
  5. We treat service users with the sort of respect which reinforces personhood and individual characteristics, addressing them and introducing them to others in their preferred style, responding to specific cultural demands and requirements, and aiming to maintain relationships which are warm and trusting but appropriate to the relationship of the worker to service user.


Independence means having opportunities to think, plan, act and take sensibly calculated risks without continual reference to others. We aim to maximize our service users’ independence in the following ways.

  1. We help service users manage independently rather than depend on care workers and others.
  2. We encourage service users to take as much responsibility as possible for their health and medication.
  3. We involve service users fully in planning their care, devising and implementing their care plans and managing the care records.
  4. We work with carers, relatives, and friends of service users to provide as continuous a service as is feasible.
  5. We aim to create a climate in care delivery and foster attitudes in those around a service user that focus on capacities rather than disabilities.


In providing services to people with disabilities, there is a difficult balance between helping them experience as much independence as possible and ensuring they are not exposed to unnecessary hazards. Therefore, taking care of the security of service users means helping to provide an environment and support structure that offers sensible protection from danger and comfort and readily available assistance when required. This should not be interpreted as a demand for a safe or risk-free lifestyle; taking reasonable risks can be interesting, exciting, and fun, as well as necessary. 

We respond to our service users' security needs in the following ways.

  1. We ensure that help is tactfully at hand when a service user needs or wishes to engage in any activity that places them in situations of substantial risk.
  2. We want to create a physical environment free from unnecessary sources of danger to vulnerable people or their property.
  3. We always carry out thorough risk assessments concerning premises, equipment and the activities of the service user being helped.
  4. Our staff will advise service users about situations or activities in which their disability will likely put them or their property at risk.
  5. The staffs of Destiney Social Care Provider are well selected, trained and briefed to provide services responsibly, professionally and with compassion and never to exploit their positions to abuse a service user.


We aim to help our service users continue enjoying their civil rights in the following ways.

  1. If service users wish to participate in elections, we will try to access the necessary information and provide or obtain any assistance they need to vote.
  2. We want to help our service users use as wide a range as possible of public services, such as libraries, education, and transport.
  3. We will encourage our service users to use health services appropriate to their medical, nursing, and therapeutic needs.
  4. We will provide easy access for our service users and their friends, relatives, and representatives to complain about or give feedback on our services.
  5. We will support our service users in participating as fully and diversely as they wish in the activities of their communities through voluntary work, religious observance, involvement in associations and charitable giving.


Choice consists of the opportunity to select independently from a range of options. We will respond to our service users’ right to choose in the following ways.

  1. We avoid a pattern of service delivery which leads to compulsory timings for activities like getting up and going to bed.
  2. We will manage and schedule our services to respond as far as possible to service users' preferences regarding the staff they feel most comfortable with.
  3. We respect service users’ eccentricities, personal preferences, and idiosyncrasies.
  4. We want to cultivate an atmosphere and ethos in our service delivery which welcomes and responds to cultural diversity.
  5. We encourage service users to exercise informed choice in selecting the organization and individuals who assist them.


Fulfilment has been defined as the opportunity to realise personal aspirations and abilities. It recognizes and responds to levels of human satisfaction separate from the physical and material. However, it is challenging to generalize fulfilment since it deals with precisely those areas of lifestyle where individuals differ. We respond to service users' right to fulfilment in the following ways.

  1. We help service users to participate in as broad a range of social and cultural activities as possible.
  2. If requested, we will assist a service user to participate in practices associated with religious or spiritual matters and to celebrate meaningful anniversaries and festivals.
  3. We aim to respond sensitively and appropriately to the unique needs and wishes of service users who wish to prepare for or are close to death.
  4. We understand and respond to the wish of any service user to participate in minority-interest events or activities.
  5. We will do everything possible to help a service user who wants to achieve an unfulfilled task, wish, or ambition before the end of their life.


People from diverse ethnic and cultural backgrounds use Destiney's social care services. Services, therefore, need to be accessible. We need to make efforts to reach out to vulnerable people who might have been deterred from approaching agencies which appear not to relate to their particular needs and aspirations and to demonstrate that we welcome and celebrate the wide range of people in the community generally and among the users of services. We respond to service users' right to express their diversity in the following ways.

  1. Positively communicating to our service users that their diverse backgrounds enhance the community's life.
  2. Respecting the ethnic, cultural, and religious practices of service users.
  3. Outlawing negatively discriminatory behaviour by staff and others.
  4. Accommodating individual differences without censure.
  5. Helping service users to celebrate events, anniversaries and festivals which are important to them.

Destiney Social Care Provider Domiciliary Services provides a flexible care service, responsive to everyone's needs, as an individual may require 24-hour care or only an hour's assistance each week.

Quality for Excellent Care

DSCP Care strives to provide excellent care. 

Excellent care, according to DSCP:

  • Quality of care tailored to the individuals we support;
  • Respect for the participation of our service users;
  • Transparency about the quality of our care and services;
  • Working based on quality indicators for home care;
  • Working based on quality indicators in mental health care.

DSCP Care focuses its care services on core concepts such as:

  • Security 
  • Effectiveness 
  • Efficiency 
  • Patient orientation
  • Timeliness
  • Continuity
  • Integrity 
  • Equivalence

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